
Noom vs Lose It! Review

About Noom

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Dieting and weight loss can be a frustrating endeavor, especially when you’re doing it all on your own—where do you start?

Noom launched in 2008 with a mission to help you answer that very question. It was founded by Saeju Jeong, whose family was well versed in the world of healthcare, and Artem Petakov, who had previously worked for Google.

Together, the pair made the perfect recipe for an app that helps users live a life of health and wellness.

The two came together in New York, but the app is available worldwide. Designed with accessibility and convenience in mind, the app aims “to help as many people as possible live healthier lives through behavior change… to help everyone build long-lasting, positive habits.”

Could this app be just what you need to make positive, lasting changes in your life? This Noom vs Lose It! review is here to help you answer that question. Below, I’ll introduce you to the competitor.

About Lose It! 

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Lose It! was also founded in 2008, but focuses on calorie counting. For some reason, the process was a lot more convoluted than it needed to be. So the brand’s founders, Charles Teague, Joseph J. Allaire, and Paul DiCristina, set out to change things.

Once calorie counting becomes more accessible, so does understanding the foods we eat. It helps us learn what causes weight gain and what changes are necessary for weight loss or maintenance.

Likewise, it’s all about building a healthier relationship with your body and food as you embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. By setting users up with a comprehensible selection of foods and exercises, the brand is on the mission of “mobilizing the world to achieve a healthy weight.”

Now that we know a little more about the brands, in this Noom vs Lose It! review, I will walk you through the details of each service. Below, you’ll find all the details on how the programs and apps work, prices, customer feedback and results, and more. Let’s dive in.

What To Consider

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Target Audience

Maybe you’ve perfected your workout routine, or perhaps you feel a little unsure about what your body needs in terms of nutrients. Noom and Lose It! take an educational approach to weight loss by turning bad habits into healthy ones.

But, counting calories isn’t for everyone. The goal is to build a healthier relationship with your body and food—and you know what you can or cannot handle. People who are pregnant, suffer from an eating disorder, or have severe dietary restrictions will want to check with their doctor.

Range of Goals

Whatever you eat is your diet. They can vary a lot, but what’s the best way to develop a healthy diet? Well, Noom and Lose It! help users discover a pace that works for them, where they can eat what they want while losing weight.

Lose It! tends to focus more on understanding calories, while Noom offers more insight into how a healthy body and a healthy mind work in tandem.

In both cases, subscribers can use the apps to lose weight, maintain weight, or eat more healthily, while Noom specifically offers a mental wellness program as well.

Subscription Flexibility

Users can use Noom and Lose It! without a subscription, but they won’t have access to extras like coaches or deeper insights.

Lose It! has a one-year subscription program that can be canceled for the next billing cycle. You’ll have access to premium features until your current subscription is up.

Alternatively, Noom offers different monthly subscription options that come with savings. Canceling is pretty easy—users simply have to contact their coach and ask to cancel. They can opt to use the rest of the billing period or can receive a refund if necessary.


Noom and Lose It! are comprehensive apps that give you insight into how your body works in tandem with what you eat and do. They also have a few extra, optional features like DNA testing and support programs for those that want a little push along the way.


With both options, there is a free version available on the App Store and Google Play store. Just about anyone can sign up for the services, as long as they are over the age of 18.

Plus, the prices are pretty reasonable if you do choose to opt for the subscription when compared to nutritionist, dietician, and personal training fees.

Noom vs Lose It!: How Do They Work?

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Since these apps are designed to guide users, it only makes sense that they start with a personal assessment. Down below in this Noom vs Lose It! review, I’ll guide you through the similarities and differences between how each one works.

When you sign up with Noom, you’ll fill out a questionnaire before receiving a plan that is tailored to your unique body, lifestyle, and goals. Whether your mission is weight loss or developing a healthier relationship with food and your body, the service has options for both.

The app also offers food and meal recommendations. You’ll find recipes for all times of the day, whether you’re chowing down breakfast or snacking between mealtimes.

Noom divides foods into an easy-to-follow, color-coded chart. Red foods are calorie-dense, yellow foods are moderately calorie-dense, and green foods are always a go.

This teaches the valuable lesson of everything in moderation—you can still have that yummy pizza, but it shouldn’t be a daily choice if health is your goal.

You can input everything you eat during the day—whether it’s a recipe recommended by the app or not—to help track calories, nutrients, and habits over time. Then, after 16 months, subscribers will move to Phase 2, which is a bit more focused on what you’re putting into your body and what is the most beneficial to you.

Lose It! operates similarly as it helps users achieve weight loss. You’ll start by filling out a questionnaire about your goals. Then, you’ll start logging everything you eat with over 33 million foods to choose from.

You’ll get a personalizedcalorie budget,’ which is the number of calories you should consume in a day to lose or maintain your weight, depending on your goals. This number is determined by your height, weight, sex, daily exercises, and goal weight.

You can also log your daily exercise in the app alongside your food intake. The more calories burned, the more calories you’ll be able to fit into their budget, or the more weight you’ll lose. 

Plus, users can eat whatever they want. With every item and exercise they log, they’ll be able to see the calorie budget they have left for the day, meaning they’ll gain more insight into which foods are higher in calories and what workouts help them burn more off.

With both programs, users can eat, exercise, and follow the plans or budgets as they please. Freedom is crucial when developing healthier habits because it should never be about restriction or shame.

Instead, both Noom and Lose It! focus on educating users about the healthiest options and how food intake and exercise affect overall weight gain and loss.

Noom is a little bit more in-depth, recommending specific foods and categorizing them for a better understanding. Meanwhile, Lose It! focuses more on understanding calories.

Which one you choose boils down to personal preference. What would be most beneficial for you to focus on for your journey?

Noom vs Lose It!: Apps

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Up next in this Noom vs Lose It! review, let’s go through what both brands’ apps have to offer. You’ll find them in the App Store and the Google Play store.

Within Noom’s app, you can opt for Noom Weight or Noom Mood. As the titles suggest, the former option is focused on weight loss. The latter option is centered around mental wellness with mood logging and mind-provoking challenges.

With the app, you can access recipes and recommendations, log your meals and snacks, track your moods, converse with personal coaches, and share experiences with other users. You can even log additional information for more specific results, such as water intake and daily steps.

Another thing? Personalized lessons will help you learn what may be affecting your wellness journey. You’ll learn to manage stress and understand your experiences on a deeper level. Coaching and group support also help to generate a sense of community and motivation.

You can also log meals, calories, and exercise with the Lose It! app to keep track of your intake and how much you’ve burned each day. You can even set up meal and exercise plans to stay on top of your goals.

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Lose It! understands the importance of a community in reaching our goals, so users can add friends or make connections within the app. You can also build groups designed to inspire and motivate one another.

With advanced tracking, Lose It! also helps you track macronutrients, water intake, body measurements, and more. You’ll even earn badges to show off your accomplishments when you surpass goals or make daily changes to your routine.

Both apps are designed to stay at your pace. You can work through the processes, lessons, and facts as you please.

Plus, Noom and Lose It! hook up to the health app on your phone and can be synced with fitness trackers like Fitbit, Garmin Connect, and Apple Watch.

This automatically logs your daily exercise and steps to determine how much you’ve burned off in a day. No mental math is needed here, folks.

If you’re interested in focusing on mental wellbeing with personalized lessons alongside weight loss, Noom may be the best option for you. But, if you’re more interested in losing weight healthily and educationally, Lose It! will cheer you on along the way.

Noom vs Lose It!: Extras

Noom vs Lose It! Review

For this Noom vs Lose It! review, the extras these brands offer are what set them apart from competitors. The helpful resources give users a better understanding of their bodies as well as access to the support they may need.

Noom partnered with Orig3n to develop Weight Loss DNA tests. As the name suggests, these kits give subscribers insight into how their genes affect their bodies, including weight and metabolism, but also experiences with cravings.

That said, a healthy body works in tandem with a healthy mind. So, Noom also created the Healthy Mind Program. Offering support and empowerment, this program helps customers manage and understand their anxiety and create a sense of calm during stressful times.

Lose It! also offers DNA sequencing in partnership with 23andMe and AncestryDNA. Users simply download their DNA results from either company and upload them to the app.

These insights can point to what diets may work best for a person’s specific body and gene history as well as nutrient deficiencies they may be predisposed to.

The support offered by Lose It! is a little different. Users can upload progress photos to keep track of their goals, which is especially beneficial when strength training because muscle weighs more than fat.

Lose It! users will also have access to challenges for groups, teams, and individuals. Each challenge helps recognize achievements and provides motivation.

While both companies offer DNA testing, Noom also offers emotional support. Alternatively, Lose It! creates challenges to motivate and push you to stay on track. Both programs clearly have pretty stellar extras!

Noom vs Lose It!: Price & Value

Noom vs Lose It! Review

While the apps are free to download, the subscriptions come at a cost. Each company offers a free version so that you can test out the programs before committing to the full versions.

In this section of my Noom vs Lose It! review, I’ll break down what you’ll get with your memberships, should you decide to commit.

Noom offers multiple plans with different commitment lengths. You have the freedom to choose how long you want to sign up for, with options for cancellations or pausing too.

The longer you subscribe, the more you’ll save. Here’s what those savings look like:

  • Monthly: $59
  • 2 months: $99 ($50/month)
  • 3 months: $129 ($43/month)
  • 4 months: $139 ($35/month)
  • 5 months: $149 ($30/month)
  • 6 months: $159 ($27/month)
  • 7 months: $169 ($24/month)
  • 8 months: $179 ($22/month)
  • Annual: $199 ($17/month)

The plans listed above are auto-recurring, but they can be canceled. You’ll still have access to the premium features until the end of your billing cycle. Without a subscription, Noom users can track their eating habits and workouts and receive personalized weight loss plans.

Lose It!’s free version also gives access to a weight loss plan and food and exercise logging, but also the community.

So how do the prices differ? Lose It! costs a flat rate of $40 per year. This is ideal for someone who knows they’ll use the app for that long. It’s super affordable.

When it comes down to it, both Noom and Lose It! give users the ability to accurately set and reach goals. Overall, Lose It!’s subscription is a lot more affordable, but it also offers fewer features. You’ll have to think about what would best serve you on your path to wellness.

Noom vs Lose It!: How To Sign Up

Noom vs Lose It! Review

The sign-up process should never be difficult. This section of my Noom vs Lose It! review will break down exactly how you go about joining both services.

To get started with Noom, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up on the Noom website using your email
  2. Download the app and sign in to your account
  3. Fill out any details the app prompts you to
  4. Take the personality quiz
  5. Start following the program

To sign up for Lose It!, be sure to follow these instructions:

  1. Get started on the website
  2. Fill out the questionnaire (current height and weight, goals, etc)
  3. Create an account
  4. Download the app
  5. Get started!

Both programs make it super easy to sign up. Plus, users can try things out before they commit—signing up does not involve making any payments or subscribing!

Noom vs Lose It!: What Do Customers Think?

Noom vs Lose It! Review

This Noom vs Lose It! review wouldn’t be complete without some customer testimonials. To help determine if these brands are truly worth the subscription, I sourced comments from Trustpilot, App Store, Google Play, Consumer Affairs, and PC Mag.

Let’s start by taking a look at some overall ratings for each company, and then I’ll delve into the details.


  • Trustpilot: 4.4/5 stars out of 55k reviews
  • App Store: 4.7/5 stars out of 627k reviews
  • Consumer Affairs: 3.2/5 stars out of 535 reviews
  • PC Mag: 4/5 stars

Lose It!:

  • Google Play: 4.6/5 stars out of 118k reviews
  • App Store: 4.7/5 stars out of 489k reviews
  • PC Mag: 3.5/5 stars

Now, it’s clear that both companies are highly rated—and that’s from thousands of customers. But what has customers so elated? We’ve put together highlight reels of the most common customer comments.


  • Helps with weight loss
  • Educational and valuable lessons
  • Focuses on mental health as well
  • Excellent for motivation
  • Helps develop good habits and kick the bad ones

One shopper describes how helpful and motivating the lessons are: “I have learned a lot of different useful things that I use every single day now. This is the first time I have felt encouraged but not pressured to exercise, and I have been dieting most of my life.

Another customer is elated with how non-restrictive yet effective the diet is: “​​My goal has been slow but steady. After trying a myriad of weight loss plans, I’ve landed on one that works and that I can live with daily. What Joy to be allowed to eat all foods.”

Lose It!:

  • Helps users lose weight at a practical and healthy rate
  • Educates users on calories and exercising
  • Accurate insights about weight loss
  • Accessible and easy to understand
  • Motivational and inspiring

One subscriber describes how the goal-setting helps them feel more accomplished:

“it’s very encouraging to see that even when I feel like I dropped the ball and had a bad day, as far as having eaten too much, that the app doesn’t give up on me but rather motivates me to keep going…This App TRULY gives me hope and a practical game plan daily.”

Another customer describes how impressed they are with all features of the app and program, writing, “I’ve tried a few apps and this is the best for diet tracking. Looks great, is easy to use, and has plenty of functionality. I also pay for the membership, which I think is fairly reasonable all things considered, so I can’t speak to the app without it.

Overall, subscribers are impressed with their results, the achievable goal setting, the educational standpoint, and the focus on health and wellness more than weight loss. Both companies have exceptional reputations across the web.

Noom vs Lose It!: Promotions & Discounts

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Everyone loves a good deal—so promos and discounts might sway you toward one brand over the other. Here’s what I found for this Noom vs Lose It! review:


  • New customers get a 14-day free trial
  • Discounts for lengthier subscriptions (up to $509 in savings!)

Lose It!:

  • New customers get a 7-day free trial

While I didn’t find any active promotions for Lose It! while writing this Noom vs Lose It! review, the full subscription only costs $40 per year. It’s already the more affordable of the two options.

Who Will You Shop With?

Noom vs Lose It! Review

Calorie restrictions and heavy workouts have plagued our lives for too long. There’s nothing worse than reaching your goal, feeling like you’ve slipped into that healthy groove, only to discover in a few months that you’ve gone back to old habits.

Noom and Lose It! are here to help you find healthy habits within yourself—not just reach a specific weight. It’s about a peaceful relationship with food, a desire to fuel your body, and a need to love yourself. That said, there may be a brand that’s more suited to your needs.

Noom recommends meals and mealtimes and helps users gain a better understanding of their bodies through the development of a healthy mindset. It even has a DNA test.

Lose It! focuses on calorie counting. It helps users understand the foods they eat and how it affects them to learn what will help them reach their goals.

Either way, the verdict of this Noom vs Lose It! review is that both brands are an excellent choice because of their focus on physical and emotional wellness.

I love holistic approaches to health, and I think these apps can help you live a happier and healthier life.

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